We Discussed English With Prime Minister Tun Mahathir

Teacher Raj meets with Prime Minister Tun Mahathir

On the 3rd of July, after 19 years of serving, educating and empowering, our Founder-CEO, Teacher Raj Ridvan Singh, and Managing Director of SOLS smart, Mr Tim Spijker, were blessed with the opportunity to share our vision of transforming Malaysia’s English proficiency with YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. The meeting was held at Pejabat Perdana […]

English & The Art Of Communication

English & the art of communication

What does English have to do with the art of communication? The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most desired skills for a successful workforce. Look through any job posting and you will often find “Candidate must possess excellent communication skills” as one of the requirements. In the fast-paced market, it is easier […]

3 Ways English Directly Impacts Your Business Results

3 ways English impacts business results

How does English directly impact the results of your business? Firstly, this global language lays the foundation for strong and effective communication skills in a business environment. In order for employees to be successful in the art of closing sales and positive persuasion, there is no greater asset than a good grasp of the English […]

Determine Your Company’s Level Of English With This Test

Do you know what the level of English proficiency at your company is? How can you, as a business owner or manager, identify and determine whether it needs to be improved? English Movement, in collaboration with our education partner, SOLS smart, has created an auditing tool worth RM9,999 that businesses can use to find out […]

Does Your Company Speak This Global Business Language?

Does your company speak this global business language header image

Businesses across the globe interact with one another using this global business language. The internet produces most of its content in this language. At meetings, conferences and conventions worldwide, this common language is used to deliver key messages and top-level strategies. In the world of trade and commerce, the language that connects us all together […]

Why Bother Learning English?

It’s hard to learn a new language. Why bother putting in the effort?   English is the language that connects the world. With so many languages in the world and so many people trying to connect with one another, people need a language that they can use as a midway. That’s the role that English […]